
Intuition  Logo
The Intuition trademark offers modern and bright models of tights, stockings, socks and knee-high stockings which are made of high-quality materials of Italian manufacturers. The products of this trademark gained a good reputation among our women long ago; and the demand for them is increasing from year to year.The Intuition trademark is aimed at a business lady living in a big city who chooses style and fashion as well as the maximum of comfort. Being vigorous and passionate, straightforward and impregnable as a true Italian lady she is not afraid of anything and wends her way through the life with the head held up and is surely convinced that the best place under the sun is for her.OMAX International LLC, the Intuition trademark owner, was founded in 1997. It may be considered a pioneer in our national industry. The company has gained comprehensive experience for years of its operations. Today we are one of Ukraine's largest producers of legwear that does business in a wide professional scope, besides we are extensively developing. In August 2004, the company commissioned a new factory equipped in compliance with European standards, the capacity of which enables to produce 800 thousand pairs of tights a month. People who saw Italian stockings factories would not find anything new at our facility in Ukraine, because this is an entirely European factory both in appearance and by manufacturing technologies. It seems to have been moved from Collant valley (an area near Mantova (Italy) where most Italian plants and factories are concentrated) to a picturesque place near Kyiv.OMAX International LLC is in continuous exploration of cutting-edge designer solutions. The company creates a new Fantasy Collection every season – fantasy-styled 3D stockings and leggings made of high quality multifilament yarn. Cloth texture keeps pace with fashion trends, and all models feature trend colors of a new season. All stockings are fashioned and flavored.Upscale conditions of cooperation with leading raw manufacturers worldwide, up-to-date equipment and own designer solutions enable us to produce European quality garments and offer them to our customers at affordable prices.