
Diamond  Logo
Diamond by Adesgo is a brand specially designed in order to meet and satisfy the most demanding tastes and requirements of women of all ages. It encompasses a full range of stockings, created for each moment of the day and every occasion in a woman's life and also a complex range of exquisite seamless lingerie, fascinating by its unique mix of textures and models. Last but not least, it gives women that unique combination of beauty & quality that they always seek. If Diamond were a woman she would be provocative, very feminine and with a strong personality. Society would characterize her as being a beautiful woman, with a passion for fashion, and very determined. Her clothing style is mostly elegant, but she adapts easily and she knows how to wear any outfit. She is what an Englishman would call "classy", she has what a Romanian would call “Latin fire”, and she has that thing French people call "je ne sais quoi".